To sign in go to ASPIRE. Click start new game OR click on the left hand menu and click Log In. Type your username and password into the given fields and click “Log in.” If you are a new user click “Create Account” on the lower left hand side of the log in.
How do I track my progress?
To track your progress you can see where you are in the game on the dashboard map or by clicking next to your player avatar to see your current score and standing. At any point in the game a player can return to the dashboard by clicking the word “ASPIRE” in the top center menu.
How do I log out?
To sign out click on the left hand pop out menu and then click log out.
How do I change my email?
To change your email in the platform click your username next to your avatar above your score. To edit the email associated with your account, type out the new email twice and then confirm it. After that remember to use the new email to log in.
How do I change my password?
To change your password in the platform click your username next to your avatar above your score. Scroll past “Edit Email” to “Edit Password”. Type in your new password into the given fields and confirm it.
Can I change my avatar?
Yes, your location manager can help you change your avatar.
Can I change the program I’m associated with?
No, a student cannot change the program they are associated with once they have begun the game.
How do I switch languages?
To switch languages inside the game go to the left hand drop down menu and click “switch languages”. Select the language you would like to switch to.
How do I pause?
You can pause the game at any time by hovering your mouse over the screen and pressing the video player pause button in the lower left hand corner.
How do I go back to the main menu?
Go to the ASPIRE map by clicking the word “ASPIRE” at the top of the page. Click the level you wish to return to and then choose the video.
How do I skip ahead?
Unfortunately, the program is taken at it's pace and you can not skip ahead.
How do I save my progress?
Your progress is automatically saved so you can leave and come back right where you last stopped.
What happens if I fail?
If you fail (score below a 70%), you will need to play the game again. You can play the game as many times as necessary to score a passing grade of 70% or higher.
Can I play the entire game again?
Yes, you can play the game as many times as you’d like.